Garden Design

Wildlife Garden

This garden design had three main objectives. The structural elements (pergolas and trees) had to provide privacy from the new build houses that had sprung up next door. The garden needed to have a series of ‘rooms’. And then the planting had to be attractive to a wide range of insects.
I used the 3D modelling capability of Vectorworks to check all the sightlines and this led to a couple of iterations of the design to maximise the screening. The final solution including a bespoke pergola attached to the house, a couple of smaller arches and a line of lollipop privets.
I included a circular pond as both a focal point of the garden and a great wildlife feature. Paths of gravel and slate-sleeper wind through the large beds to link the various seating areas.
Doing the planting plan was an absolute joy as the clients wanted a wide range of plants. They even went with my suggestion of a sedum lawn.